So anyways...I decided to take about a 3 days diet break! I can honestly say that I feel like a NEW woman. I felt like a little kid at Christmas as I ate a roll. It tasted like heaven in my mouth!! It was amazing. Then I took a spoonful of icing and sprinkled coconut and ate it and...yes...I feel restored. It has felt really good to eat all the things that have been off limits for the past 5 months. I think its enough to keep me going till the end of the competition. I already feel like I have a new focus and new excitement.
This is a picture that was taken yesterday at the American Idol party. I thought that I could see a lot off improvement and it encouraged me. I think I just need to stay focused and just work hard to the end. I also haven't posted a picture of myself in awhile.
Please pray for me. I can get really discouraged when I look at people around me who never struggle with weight issues. I know balancing my weight if a life time goal. Pray that God gives me great and endurance to keep loving dieting and learning self-control and discipline!!
I still plan to wiegh-in on Monday. Let's see what happens. My fingers are crossed.
Girl you look fantastic! And you haven't lost yet...don't you dare start thinking like that! You still have mucho time to go.
Alicia, you look just beautiful! Keep up the FANTASTIC work, and remember your whole reason you're doing this in the first be a better steward of your body. If you accomplish that, you have won! You can do it!
don't give up! you look fabulous! after the ai party i was telling everyone how great you looked, so even if the scale isn't saying it, you are doing incredibly well and probably more healthy than most of us by now!
Thanks everyone for you sweet sweet encouragement!! It means a lot to me K, Crystal, Shanny, and Emily!
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